03 September, 2006

Venturing into professional photography . . .

May be, buying a prosumer camera (Lumix FZ7) was my first step in venturing into professional photography. After 10 days of using the camera, I know where I stand and realize that there is a very long and tough way ahead before I start clicking some stunning photographs.After getting into the pool, reading a lot of photography books and observing the works of pros., I know where I have to go. I have to burn some more midnight oil and be more patient when fixing the frame. My previous Sony DSC-S60 had limited features and very less freedom to play around; Onto the next level, this dSLR offers me a lot more which I, in the present state am incapable to handle.

Got up early this sunday and went for a SMS a.k.a "Sunday Morning Stroll" with my cutie FZ7. As expected, the results were not stunning, but I have got a feel of the camera but still not so well versed with it. The rythm that I have with my DSC-S60, is what I have to acheive with my new one. It should be soon reverbrating to my frequency.
A camera, I feel is a soulmate, it responds to your mood, it talks to your mind, it visualizes on film (rather on a CCD), what your mind sees out of the whole scene and not what you or everybody else's naked eye sees out of it. It conveys a story, reflects a mood, changes the perception of the viewer;It brings out the charm that lies in everyday life un-noticed, not bothered about into frozen frames for eternity. It has the power to bring to still, every other thing running on this earth. The mood of the nature, the smile of child, the play sunlight enacts on a bright flower are saved for posterity.


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Baroda, Gujarat, India
Nagappan Ramanathan Baroda, Gujarat, INDIA "My blog will let you know about me . . am too humble to talk about myself . ."
