06 April, 2008

Colours around me

Remembered my camera, after a long time on a lazy sleepless Sunday afternoon; Soltitude and am emptiness in mind let the photographer in me fill the void; It had been a while so, since I really hanged on with my camera.
Started to hunt for colors, light and shadows, patterns and perspectives for clicking ...but not outdoors; It was all in my home, the day to day beings that fill our life unnoticed.
I was satisfied with the results and its here after some editing - It would be worth-while to quote Einstein here,
"There are two ways to live your life
To live as nothing is a miracle
Or to live as everything is "Knock ... Knock

Hanging around

Heat Off

Spice it off

Home Clean Home

Save every drop of it

The G(B)room

About Me

My photo
Baroda, Gujarat, India
Nagappan Ramanathan Baroda, Gujarat, INDIA "My blog will let you know about me . . am too humble to talk about myself . ."
